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Festival Privacy Policy

Who we are

The Aldershot & Farnborough Dance Festival takes great care to preserve your privacy and safeguard any personal data you provide to us. This Privacy Notice explains how we collect and use your personal data.


What personal data do we collect?

We collect information supplied by you from the application form submitted for participation in the festival, from the Trophy Receipt form and from volunteers. The data will be collected by the festival organisers. 


We may collect personal data such as:

Date of birth

Telephone number
Email address

Bank details


Why does the festival need to collect this data?

The Festival must know the names of competitors in order to organise the event, their ages (the classes are segregated by age), the affiliated school (in order to communicate information about the Festival) and marks gained (so that competitors can determine how well they have done and so that, in the case of the Dance Section, the names of All-England qualifiers can be sent to the All-England Dance).


How we will use your personal data

We will use your personal data in a number of ways for the purpose of the running of the festival. Entries data will be inputted into an electronic access database.

These may include:

a) to process your entry form to take part in the festival.
b) to keep you update
d about your entry to the festival.
c) to send you copies of our syllabus.
d) to manage volunteers.
e) to include names of performers in printed programmes, which will be on sale at the festival and on the list of winners on the website and social media. 

f) to print mark sheets and marks

The application forms ask you to acknowledge and consent to our keeping a mailing list for this purpose.

Sharing your personal data

The database itself will routinely be accessible to three of the festival organisers, although from time to time, others within the organisation may be given access as and when required. Names and classes entered will be published in the festival programme. The names and ages of competitors gaining All-England qualifying marks will be sent to All-England after the festival in All-England years. None of the data will be sold to or shared with any other organisation. The festival does not receive commercial sponsorship.


You can request that your data be removed from the mailing list at any time by contacting the festival organisers.


Does anyone else associate with the festival's collection of data?

The festival appoints a professional photographer to photograph competitors’ performances (except where individuals request that this not be done). The photographer clearly needs to collect data from anyone ordering photos,  but this is entirely a matter between the photographer and the customer. The festival accepts no responsibility for any data provided or collected for that purpose.


What will be the effect of sharing data?

The sharing of marks data with All-England will enable anyone qualifying to enter the regional finals of the competition.


How long will we keep your personal data?

Paper forms of any kind will normally be kept for approximately one year (after the following year’s festival) and then destroyed either by shredding or burning. The festival has no timescale for the erasing of electronically held data. These data form a historical record of the festival, and the aim is to preserve that record. The festival has been running continuously since 1941, but very little information is available about it before about 1998. 


We would therefore like to maintain a reasonable historical record from then on. If you want your details erased from the historical record, you should make a subject access request.  Your data will then be anonymised in the database.


How secure is my data?

Electronic data is held in a password-protected database, and a backup copy is maintained. None of the data is accessible online or stored in the Cloud. Paper documents are kept in a private dwelling with normal domestic security measures in place; the festival will take reasonable measures to ensure that the paper data is not lost or stolen, or viewed by unauthorised persons, and when not being processed will be stored under lock and key. E-mail communications are not subject to special encryption measures.  The GDPR mandates procedures which must be followed for reporting a breach or suspected breach of data security.


Opting in to data collection

A requirement of the GDPR is that providers of personal data must positively ‘opt in’ to having their data collected; it is no longer sufficient to assume that ‘silence gives consent’. Entry forms will contain suitable ‘opt-in’ statements, but it is the responsibility of entrants to ensure that these are completed. 


Photography, filming, tape or CD recording during any performance/adjudication is prohibited.

Video recorders may not be taken into competition rooms under any circumstances.

Mobile Phones must be turned off at all times in Competition Rooms.

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